Bal Bhavan Public School Mayur Vihar

School Rules & Regulation

The school recognizes the parents as “PARTNERS IN EDUCATION”. The support and cooperation of the parents is essential to ensure efficiency and effective output in the school. They should acquaint themselves with the vision, philosophy and policy of the school and guide their children accordingly.

(A) School Records

  • Make sure that all the details of the STUDENT’S PERSONAL RECORD should be filled neatly and correctly in the Almanac.
  • Parents are requested to inform the school authorities, in case, if there is any change in residential address, phone number and e-mail ID. (School’ E-Mail ID is [email protected]). Any such updation in school record will be made only after supporting documents have been attached.
  • Parents should check the remarks given by the teacher and should acknowledge the same.

(B) Discipline

  • Make sure that all the details of the STUDENT’S PERSONAL RECORD should be filled neatly and correctly in the Almanac.
  • We seek your cooperation to help the student to acquire the habit of punctuality. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises. If the child is late for more than 3 times in a month, he/she will be sent back home.
  • Students are not allowed to bring vehicles to the school. Students found guilty shall be issued a show cause and the same shall be reported to the Traffic Police.
  • Students must refrain from exchanging gifts in the school.
  • No student is permitted to carry extra pair of clothes without obtaining the consent from the Principal.
  • Please ensure that your ward is dressed in clean, well ironed uniform as prescribed by the school with proper haircut and wearing Student RFID Card which is mandatory. Wearing gold jewellery is strictly prohibited. If found, the jewellery will be confiscated.
  • Lending or borrowing money and articles is not permitted.
  • The internet can be a fantastic place for children of all ages. However, we must ensure the child’s protection and parent’s vigilance while on the internet.
  • Parents must ensure that the child carries homemade lunch to school daily. The child must also bring a fruit to the school for fruit break.
  • On Birthdays, the children will be greeted with warm wishes in the classroom. You are requested not to send any kind of gifts, sweets & candies in school for birthday celebration due to some precautionary reasons and for the sake of child’s safety.
  • The cost of damage incurred due to mischief by a student or indiscipline activity shall be borne by the parents. A warning letter will also be issued in this regard.
  • Students must be polite and humble with the schoolmates. Any student found abusing or fighting with anyone shall be issued a warning letter.
  • Students must not involve in any kind of indiscipline activity. Anyone found guilty will be issued a show cause notice.
  • Bullying is strictly prohibited. Anyone found involved will be suspended from classes.
  • As per the CBSE guidelines following items are banned in the school:
    1. Mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets.
    2. Players, I-pods and MP3 players.
    3. Cameras, VCD’s, DVD’s, USB’s.
    4. Books (other than text books or library books), magazines, journals.
    5. Valuable articles such as expensive watches, jewellery etc.
    6. Chemicals/paint of any kind and sharp objects.
    7. Tobacco, or any other abusive material.
  • Any student in possession of any of the above material will be issued a show cause to explain the reasons thereof.
  • After 3 warning letters the student will be issued a show cause thereof causing suspension from classes.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline by taking active interest in the scholastic and co-curricular activities of the school.
  • Parents must be polite & humble with the teachers during their interaction.

(C) Examination Rules

  • Students have to reach the examination hall before time.
  • Students must carry their own stationery material to write examination. Exchange of stationery is not allowed.
  • No material related to the content of examination should be found in the possession of the student.
  • Verbal communication or exchanges of gestures are not allowed in examination hall.
  • Possession of mobile phones, calculators, smart watches or any other electronic devices are prohibited in examination hall.
  • As per CBSE rules classes IX to XII students need to have 75% attendance to be eligible to sit for the examination.
  • No leaves will be sanctioned during the days of examination.
  • Student suffering from any kind of illness, need to take rest and stay at home. The child's health is our primary concern.
  • No child will be allowed to go home early.
  • If any student is found violating the examination rules strict disciplinary action will be taken.

(D) Visiting the School & Dispersal

  • To keep surveillance on people entering the school gate it is mandatory for the parents to fill the online visitor record at the entry gate.
  • To avoid chaos only one single parent entry is allowed during dispersal.
  • The children will be handed over only to the parents or authorized person at the time of dispersal. Please ensure that you are carrying your Parents / Escort RFID card.
  • On footer students should be taken from the school by the parents or authorised guardians only.
  • The school is not responsible for on foot students outside the school gate after school timings for both primary and secondary students.
  • Parent /Visitor entry will not be allowed for sending tiffin box, notebooks, project files, books etc. to the pupil. This is important for controlling access to school building by outsiders.
  • For the safety of the students’ prior written consent is sought from the parents for allowing children to stay back post school hours. Please send consent in School Almanac for the same whenever asked for the children taking part in co-curricular and sports activities beyond the school hours have to send a written consent and parents are responsible for their pick-up and drop.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the class rooms to see their wards or seek an interaction with the teacher during the school hours.
  • While attending PTM or interaction with teacher, parents are requested to dress up in formal clothes and students have to wear school uniform.

(E) Rules Concerning Absence

  • Children will not be allowed to go home early during school hours. In case of emergency, parent willing to pick the student before the school hours must send a notification at the front desk via email [email protected] and only after the approval a mail will be reverted back to allow the student for early departure. Unless a revert, mail has been received, parents are requested not to come to pick the student. Parents must carry their parents I card. Parents are requested not to make any social engagements or medical appointments during school hours. Do not send the child to school on the day when there is such an appointment.
  • Under any circumstances no student will be allowed to leave the premises in between the school hours without parents/guardian accompanying them.
  • Leave taken by your child must be entered in the leave record page of the school diary. Leave will not be granted for absence from school prior to a test/examination/ assessment. The pupil will be marked absent.
  • All applications should be addressed to the Principal. In case the child is unwell please send an application enclosed with medical certificate. Long leave without prior information will not be granted.
  • Parents are advised to inform the concerned class teacher regarding any medical ailment or allergy. Students suffering from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis, dermatitis, measles, mumps, etc. should not be sent to school.
  • Students suffering from the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before re- joining the school.
  • Students who have been sick for more than 3 days should bring a Medical Certificate / Fitness Certificate from the doctor on re-joining the school.
  • Reported absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten working days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • 75% attendance is compulsory to appear for the Annual Examination. The percentage could be relaxed on medical grounds but such students will not be eligible for academic awards.
  • Students who do not take all their Assessments/UT’s or Term Exams, their final result will be impacted. At the discretion of the School authorities, they will be allowed to sit for the Final/Term Exam.
  • Please ensure that a child who is medically unfit does not attend the School.
  • Leave application is mandatory in case of absence of the student from the School.

(F) The Administration of Medication

  • The School has a full time well qualified nurse in fully equipped Medical Room of the school.
  • If Parent wishes that a dose of medication to be administered to the child in school. They MUST send doctors’ prescription along with medicine. Without a doctors’ prescription, no medication can be administered to the child.
  • Any injury caused in school shall be attended to and given First -Aid only.
  • The school shall extend concern / refer to a government hospital for handling any serious injury / medication.
  • The School provides the facility to avail Medical Insurance to its students @ INR 400 Annually. This Insurance provides coverage up to INR 25,000 for medical emergencies. Please note that if a child is injured during school hours, the school will not bear the medical expenses. The insurance will cover such incidents as per its terms and conditions. Any student who has not opted for the above facility shall not be entitled for any financial support from the School Management, teachers or staff on the pretext that the injury was caused in the school premises.

(G) Safety at School

  • A strong disaster preparedness plan is in place in our school and regular mock drills are conducted from time to time to prepare students for any unfortunate & unforeseen disasters like earthquakes & fire breakouts.
  • CCTV cameras have been installed in school premises for monitoring and surveillance.
  • Separate Girls/Boys washrooms have been allotted for students, teachers and visitors.
  • To control the visitor’s movement in school parents are required to take prior appointment to meet the teachers via online portal Visitor cards are issued to all visitors. Anyone entering the school premises is checked for prohibited items at the school gate.
  • Parents are required to carry their PARENT / ESCORT RFID Card or a valid photo identity card.
  • Dispersal of students is under the guidance of teachers.
  • Teachers are deployed to regulate the movement of students before school hours.
  • School staff is deployed outside the school premises on the road during dispersal of school.
  • Parents are advised to refrain from bringing their vehicles near the school gate while dropping and picking their ward for safe movement of students at the time of arrival and dispersal.

(H) For your Ward's Safety

  • Please verify the antecedents of your van driver thoroughly.
  • You are advised to note their vehicle number and keep a photocopy of their license and their permanent address proof.
  • Kindly ensure that the vehicle is carrying only the permitted number of students and not running with LPG cylinders (which are not safe).
  • Police verification of the driver is must. You have to provide a photocopy of the van driver’s police verification to the school also.
  • Change of driver should be avoided and if done should be intimated to the class teacher immediately along with relevant documents.
  • Van should be fitted with speed governor of specified standard and it fulfils the condition laid down as per rules.
  • The van should preferably be GPS enabled.

Note - In case parents have any suggestions/complaints they may write an email at [email protected]. Parents are requested to visit the school website for regular updates.